IAL School Committee

COntacts: Archana Singhal & Parul Kumar


  • Pictures of members

  • Events (examples - can be a write up or pictures)

  • Check table below for school IAL/PTA reps - is it accurate?


The mission of IAL School Committee is to assess the needs of Indian Americans in the school system and increase participation at the PTA Level and School Level.  The main objectives of the IAL School Committee are:

  • Assess unique needs of Indian American students and provide support as necessary.

  • Representation of Indian Americans in various school sub-committees

  • Build a coalition with PTA/PTO members of all schools by having an IAL school liaison

  • Work with Town and School systems to address the needs of Indian American students

Please email one of the representatives from each school below and copy both of the school
committee co-chairs in your correspondences.

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