What is the Getting Involved Group? (iGIG)
The mission of iGIG (Indian Americans Getting Involved Group) is to actively reach, educate and encourage other Indian Americans to participate in the governance of the Town of Lexington and its committees.
iGIG holds in-person get-togethers for individual's interested in running for TMM. We have an extremely successful track record and encourage individuals interested in running for TMM to take advantage of this event.
iGIG, in collaboration with other local organizations, leads the Townwide Candidate's forum every year.
We have a total of 22 Town Meeting Members (TMM's) out of a grand total of 189, representing a percentage of 11.6. Indian-American's represent approximately 8% of the population of Lexington.
Vinita Verma – President
Samita Mandelia – First VP
Meghana Khanolkar – Second VP
Syed Ali Rizvi - Treasurer
Mona Roy – Assistant Secretary
Current TMM's are as follows:
Anil Ahuja
Jyotsna Kakullavarappu
Sudhir Ranjan
Syed Rizvi
Sandhya Beebee
Hemaben P. Bhatt
Kunal Botla
Shailesh Chandra
Sudhir Jain
Ajay T. Joseph
Meghana Khanolkar
Vikas Kinger
Vineeta Kumar
Samita Mandelia
Sanjay Padaki
Dinesh Patel
Deepika Sawhney
Umesh Shelat
Prashant Singh
Taylor Singh
Rita Vachani
Vinita Verma
Please send an email to igig.lexma@gmail.com if you need further information.
How South Asians Won Big In Lexington Elections
Why And How To Get Involved In The Activities And Governance Of The Town