Leads: Jyotsna Kakullavarapu, Swathi Kiran Anantha & Anu Arya
Connection and community are as important to our wellbeing as is regular exercise and a healthy diet. This is equally, if not more, important for our Seniors in the community. We at IAL understand that our elders are an integral part of our Lexington Community and our families. We not only have retired residents but every year we have elderly people who visit their families who are often not familiar with the resources at their disposal. Our team at IAL wants to create more awareness and access to the resources that are already available and that can be leveraged by our senior members to create a sense of community and belonging. Our wish is to bring together the retired elders and elderly parents that visit our families in a meaningful and fun way. This initiative was launched in 2022, and we collaborate with Indian Seniors group, Lexington Community Center as well as members on the board of the Council of Aging and Minuteman Senior Services to promote their services as well as rights of Indian seniors living in Lexington.
Lexington Community Center
Activities for citizens 60 years of age and older and those with disabilities, can be found at the new Community Center at 39 Marrett Road.
Activities for Seniors are supported by the Council on Aging board, appointed by the Town Manager, and the Friends of the Council on Aging, a group who raises funds and provides other support to the organization.
Council on Aging
The Council on Aging and the Friends of the Council on Aging provide policy guidance in the operation of the Senior Center, which coordinates and carries out programs designed to meet the needs of the aging. These programs are developed in collaboration with programs of the Mass. Department of Elder Affairs and others. Its activities include the provision of congregate meal and home delivered meals, counseling and recreation for the elderly, Social Day Care program, Senior Health Monitor Program, Property Tax Work Off Program, tax assistance, health clinics, exercise classes, library and education programs, newsletter, outreach, and advocacy.
Minuteman Senior Services
Provides free information about a wide range of services and programs and directs callers to appropriate resources. With a large database at their disposal, trained Information & Referral Specialists help older adults and people with disabilities and their caregivers identify the services they need and then link them to those services or simply get answers to questions about aging issues. Their resource database includes but not limited to information on Meals on Wheels, Senior Dining Centers, tips on healthier aging and healthy living programs.
Some useful links and information for the seniors
Minuteman Senior Services provide case management services/care-management/
Home care sliding scale program as financial application supports
Minuteman by your side side/
Family caregiver support programs
Elder Protective services
Here are pictures from the Senior Citizens Diwali 2022!

More pictures and videos from the event coming soon…